
  • 在洛杉矶好莱坞一些被社交网络捧红的名人开始一个接一个地被绑架,一个带着诡异面具的神秘人在网络上承认自己是这…
  • 歷經喪妻之痛的查理購入了一台中古露營車,決定帶著家人來一趟家族旅行。然而,查理一家人很快就會地就了解發現這…
  • The story offorty-something, out-of-work washing machine repairman Rudy. He decides to takeback control of…
  • 单亲姐妹莱拉(米莎·巴顿MischaBarton饰)和詹妮特(朱莉安妮·米歇尔JulianneMichel…
  • Ayoungcriminaldefenseattorneystruggleswithahomicidecasethatisnotascutanddryasitappearswhilebattlingadrinki…
  • -A graduate student trying to complete her research on a book project she hopes will help her down-on-her-…
  • A seemingly innocent man is abducted by a notorious L.A. serial killer, who forces his victims to switch r…
  • A young criminal defense attorney struggles with a homicide case that is not as cut and dry as it appears …
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