
  • 神秘的性感女租客和其6岁女儿的到来让瘫痪程序员华金死水般的生活产生了波澜,更让他意外发现房子下面竟然有一条…
  • Sabina, a divorced mother of two small children, falls in love with an old friend from the Bosnian war. Th…
  • Sabina, a divorced mother of two small children, falls in love with an old friend from the Bosnian war. Th…
  • 《The Hatfields and McCoys》则聚焦于美国声名狼藉的两个家族——Hatfields和McCoys——之争。曾获得奥斯…
  • 曾幾何時,智利惡名昭彰的異端組織「尊嚴殖民地」,由一名戀童的前納粹份子發起,建立了如同邪教的封閉社區,當中…
  • Lorenzo Adams is in trouble. While working at a bill collectionagency in Norfolk, VA an old debt of his ow…
  • A modern and unrelentingly tense psychological thriller based on a theory of the origins of shortwave radi…
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